Sunday, September 28, 2008

okayy..i'm gonna start my post by wishing someone happy birthday , coz i heard rumours says that if you wish someone before u start blogging will get goodluck (:
p/s i heard the rumours from carmen's brain >.<>.< size="4">JOANNA spotted spitfire because of his RED-RED-RED hair (: and his contact lense !! me wanna it ! >.<>.< took a picture with him , and joanna 's mad bout me because i took her picture with him was blur ..YEs...i apologize for a millions times and she still tak akan maafkan ku . jalan abit and noticed how boring is mid valley is . ( joking la) went In back to acgc , the cosplay competition start liao. if i'm not mistaken , the 1st contenstet was sephiroth ; 2st was i-forgot-liao ; 3st was spit fire (the awesome and pity 1) ...and other.. after all those poses and stuff , we went to line up to get the panda-thingy.. the line is LONGGG !! seriously .. Xpercaya ? ask joanna larh. haha...then we went back in ..because the line is wayyyy toooo LONG ! and i doubt we will get it. random ppl start giving US those game-dowloader-cd-thingy. darn funny la ..LoL we keep giving random ppl our hp num /name/ email and stuff , hoping that they wont spam lorh :] HAHA suddenly i felt very random , so i decided to join the line (: 1 hour passed by ; legs start to aching . 2 hours passed by ; legs HURTS ! 3 hours passed by ; my LEGS like siaoz , i started to be un-patient :] ( but for the panda-thingy , it's worth it laa ) guess what ? we lineup for 3 hours and skipped our movie just to get the tiny lilz card. A CARD . A CARD . -_- after that , joanna were like sooooooooooooo PISSED ..she didnt even bother to answer me . YES , joanna U OWE ME A HAPPIE MEALS 'S MONEY ! :] tehhee meet up with joanna's parents . we sms each other while we 'r like 1 cm away (: yes , that's waaaaayyyy tooo much for aday. toodles babe

Ego Box

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