Thursday, September 25, 2008

OMG ..sorry ..i didnt blog properly this few dayy coz i 'm busy with blogskin/vampire cosplaying and stuff..haihz

tips -how to get the vampire look (hehe)

1. Your hair color should be vibrant and your hair super shiny. You don't have to have black hair, but dark colours work for this look.
Sultry vampire
Sultry vampire
2. Being gaunt really helps with the whole effect. You can achieve this by applying gray eyeshadow on your cheekbones.
3. Spread foundation two shades lighter than your natural skin tone all over your face and body.
4. Put on a set of quality fangs. (Tooth caps are recommended, easy to use, put on, and take off. Can be purchased online or at any costume store.)
* Panting nail polish on the fangs is cheesy and lame... please don't.
5. Get some mega sparkly contacts (light blue, if possible) or wear sunglasses.


* Wear a metal hair clip with sharp designs on it. Long, dark dresses work WONDERS.
* Put some bright red lipstick on. DO NOT wait for it to dry before proceeding to the next step.
* WITHOUT removing the bright red lipstick put some blood red lipstick on.
* (Winter and Fall) Long black skirt, black or dark red bell sleeved top, cloak as much velvet as you can afford. (summer and spring) long black skirt of a light weight material, dark colored corset.
* Press your lips together.


* Slick back hair or tie into a ponytail. Black tuxedos are the best wear for this look.
* Long black velvet coat on top on top of a white shirt (button-up, no collar) with a red silk ascot.


* DO NOT WEAR ANY PASTELS. Dark colors are preferred.
* Also, vamps are very well-dressed. Do not look shabby, or you will be a disgrace everywhere.
* Painting on neck-holes, etc. is very cheesy.


* Do not use anything poisonous for the blood on the fangs, and do not apply when the fangs are attached to your teeth.
* Don't try to bite anyone. You WILL be arrested for assault.
* Don't jump off a building and think you'll turn into a bat on the way down.

Things You'll Need

* Bright red lipstick
* Blood red lipstick
* Foundation 2 shades lighter than natural skin tone
* High quality fangs
* Dark red nail polish
* clear nail polish
* Hair Gel or Hair tie
* Sparkly contacts or sunglasses
* Dark clothing

How to Be Like a Vampire

Do you absolutely love vampires? Do you want to be like one? Being a vampire is extremely cool; some people may think you're a freak, but just ignore them. This article will take you through the process, from beginning onwards!


  1. Make people believe you're not feeling well, and keep ignoring them like you would if you were dizzy. When the time is right, start shivering slightly and and comment on how cold it is, even though it isn't.(If your going for more of the walking dead variety).
  2. Wear slightly dark make up under and around your eyes once you get home. Remove it before bed! Your skin will thank you later!
  3. Keep your eyes focused straight ahead once at school, and when someone speaks to you either talk to them suspiciously, or just keep staring in the same direction.
  4. Ignore insults and mean people. Just stare at them until they go away, or just walk away yourself.
  5. Surround yourself with intelligent and/or classy people. But, from now on, speak in a low voice.
  6. Sweep around when you walk, and don't smile unless something is extremely funny. This may be hard for people who smile a lot (generally). If you fall under this category, think of something sad for a little while.
  7. Drink red drinks (cranberry juice or something red), but don't drink blood it will make you sick.
  8. always wear dark clothing
  9. Listen to dark music, such as E Nomine, to get you in the mood
  10. Do not talk about Vampires or tell people that you are one, it will just ruin it all
  11. Do not read books such as Twilight when you are acting like 1.

  • Always stick to the shadows, and whenever you're in the sun, wince in pain and request to go into the shade.
  • Whatever you do, don't cut your nails until unless they get so long that they actually may break during everyday activities. (Sharpening them with a nail-file adds the best effect and keeps them shorter; just make sure they look nice)
  • If you want, buy fake vampire fangs, but try and buy the ones that look realistic and avoid one with adhesive (custom fit fangs are cheaper in the long run).
  • Always stare at people as they walk by.
  • The music you should listen to depends on the type of vampire you want to be--classy types tend to go for opera with a dark theme (for example, NOT the Can-Can). Requiems are nice. If you're more of a punk-goth modern vampire, metal may be more your style.
  • Dress very smartly and try and go for darker clothes and long coats.
  • Invite your friends to join in the Vampire lifestyle and start a clan!
  • Goth is very similar to the Vampire lifestyle in some cases.
  • Wearing sunglasses is a nice touch, but don't wear the same pair everyday; switch it up a little bit.


  • Don't get into any fights, be the mature one.
  • Don't be too harsh on yourself and be friendly, in a sense. You don't want to have no friends!
  • Other people may not be able to accept this change. There is a high possibility that people will make fun of you. Don't attempt this unless you are willing to ignore their jibes.
  • Drinking anyone's blood is extremely dangerous and should never be done. It is an excellent way to spread diseases such as HIV and AIDS as well as developing diabetes, you are also likely to be committed an asylum.

Things You'll Need

  • Dark makeup
  • Good Gothic classical metal bands on your iPod or whatever
  • Vampire fangs (optional)
  • Slightly darker clothes
  • long coats (optional)
  • Pins for your clan sign(optional)
  • A love for vampires (MANDATORY)
  • A few friendly friends who want to join as well

i'm sorry , blog ... i gtg ..coz i 'm busy bout the cosplaying vampire thingy.
well i'm not really gonna cosplay COSPLAy as a vampire..i cosplay it for fun and coz i LOVE them <3 (yeah,too much twilight/vampire knight)

i'll miss you amanda,joanna,hanna,kor and friends (:

holy crap , i'm being reading these few tips for 3 hours ++....ouch, my eyes hurts.
p.s. dont freak out when u see me cosplaying ( i'll be really really vampire-ish )

tmr maybe i'm not going to school .
1) i 'm sick
2) stomach ache
3) kh !!!!!! ahh!
4)tons of ppl/teacher Xdtg
5)i lazy (:
6) friday got alot gay subject

Ego Box

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