Monday, September 8, 2008

todayy woke up with a headache , been forced to go to sch00l ..again ..
ouch ! it 's hurt :/
bathed ( washes my hair ) t00k an hour to bath + wash hair ..l0l.
dang - it ! almost late ..didnt get to blow my hair ..
went in the sch00l bus with a wet hair :/
OMG ! hanna tak dtg ke sekolah ..have to sit alone :/
school was boring........
busy folding stars (: till my hand cacated
colour/draw a few cute stuff and stick it on the box !
should i give you ? hmmmmmm..i have no idea la , but amanda said that stuff l00ks like given by gf not sister..
todayy , we practiced to nyanyi lagu .. cos tmr got pertandingan mah (:
played BUTT - push with regine/amanda/j0anna ..

doubts ..

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