Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Twilight Tag! :D

1. Do you like Edward Cullen?

what makes you think i like him ? i dont like him ..BUT i love him :D

2. Do you find Edward Cullen hot?
when it's gaspard ulliel who play as edward cullen .. YES

3. Do you like Jacob Black?
HELL YEAH !!!!!! hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot shapeshifter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and he's only 16 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no offense la , but i thinks jacob IS WAYYY HOTTER than edward cullen[cos it's not played by gaspard:'( ]

4) Do you find Jacob Black hot?

DUHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just take a look at his EIGHT packs !!!!!!!!!


OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he definetly hotter than edward ( no offense ) but it's the true mah !! >.<

8) You love Edward and Jacob. Who would you choose?
BOTH PUN SUKA LA .. but still prefer jac0b !

9) Your best friend got close to Edward. Will you feel jealous?
like what ? always hangout together ? always talk to each other ? well , if she dare would'nt wanna know what will happen (:
although i prefer jacob , but edward is always my babe ! so the answer for this question is prettyy obvious right ? ;)

10) You got kissed by someone and he's not human.What will you do?
l0l ...kissed by who ? edward ? jacob ? jasper ? siapa ? depends who lor ..
*hope that jacob black will kiss me * 0pps ...did i just said that ? :X
depends who and whether is he HOT ..hehe

11) Carlisle or Edward?

12) Family or vampire?
vampireeeee ee e e e e e e eeeeeee e :D

13) Love or Friends?
but for now ..... FRIENDS !!!!!!!!!

14) If the guy you love leaves you exactly like how Edward had left Bella, what would you do?

i 'll kick his b**** out of him ***** !!! <--just jk ^^ hmmmmmm.... well , he better dont leave or he 'll get his balasan >_<

15) If Edward gives you 520 roses, will you love him in return?
520 : i love you in madarin
ofcoz ...duhhh !!
who wont ?
edward cullen makes boy turned GAY !!!!!!

16) Five things you hate about Edward.

1)he has a very yong shui l00k offense la

2) he's fat ..sorry

3) errrrr..

4) hmmm..

5 ) 0kayy..i've ntg ..

17) Five things you hate about Jacob.

1) hmmmmm.

2) nothing

3) nothing

4) too perfect ..

5) to be hated (:

18) Four things you love about Edward...

1) romantic (:

2) stunning eye @.@

3) cutee

4) the way he react..

5) 0kayy..i 've ntg..

19) Three things you love about Jacob...

1) he's hot

2) he's cuteee

3) his EIGHT packs @.@

20) Two things that you love about Bella...

1) errrrrrrrrrrrr....

2) she's hot ? (:

21) If you love Edward,and he promises you something that he didn't fulfill,what will you do?
hmmmmm..depends on what is it (:

he's always my babe :D
22. Last question, if both Jacob and Edward says "I love you" to you at the same time,same place,same venue,what will you do?
faint* / blush* / dreams cometrue * . ... . . .OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my dreams cometrue !

23. more.. If you got married to Edward, will you force him to transform you as soon as possible so that he could make love with you?

like duhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:

i love him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i tags

- haans kor kor :D

-ambie :D

-twilight-ers :D

-you you you ! :D

-nicole :D

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