Wednesday, September 3, 2008

i love walking under the rain ..

sivik teacher called us to bring bunga raya for sivik . i tak bawa because ..
1) i dont want to destroy the bunga
2) even i puck liao , will it stay til the next day ?
3) waste time la
4) where to find ?
5) and it's the national flower ..

and teacher said s0mething sick .. l0lx ? (nah, not g0na tell ya ..t00 SICK!)
after that was sejarah .. cik m0ganan discuss homework..and she blame me for not doing my 'tugas' , actually i did ..but angela blame me ..wth ? i kena demerit because of her..
we didnt go padang during p.e because malay puasa ..
cik rohini did LOTS of funny movement/action ..we laugh like siaoz ..
after that , sch00l was boring .. as usual ..haihxxx.
u can suck balls :D
what ball-s ?
fishball la..DUHH =_=''
ohh..i thought it was man's balls :D:D
SWT !!
yea..t000 b0red :P:P
PINK sucks !
what ?...i though u says...nvm
what ? u though i said what ?
errrr..SWT ? =_=''
u cant blame me for being (censored) right ???
i drew a cute lilz doll who says 'suck balls la' with a angry's sooo cutee..but it's with j0anna.. haha..

after sch00l , walked back fr0m j0anna 's cond0 to mine (:'s raining CATS AND DOGS... now i 'm a wet wet wet hamster siting infront of the com ..TYPING !..
all the smelly /gay cars dont let me cross the god-damn-road ! i have to wait bout more than 5 mins WITHOUT AN UMBRELLA ! ..then everyone give me this stare--> O.O ..
i were like ..ohh..what's wrong with a wet hamster ??
l0l .. i 'm b0reedd .didnt get to see my kor ?
well , i 'm EXTREMELY wet noww..
and..i hope that tmr i 'll ger fever , so tak payah go to sch00l (: (:
fever pls come..x10000000000000000000
p/s ..I HATE RAINS !

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