Thursday, September 11, 2008

oh who can tell . save he whose heart hath tried

o ma gawd 0o_o0 todayy darn crowded in the bus laa..
hmmm...what to blog bout todayy ? (:
took science test :/ (tembak all) ..yeah, hope i wont failed ..
sejarah test is easy for everyone who study (definetely not me) cos i didn't study :P
kerja kayu suck (no offense) :/ the paku just cant get in ! >:/

O ma gawd ..0o_o0 <--shocked four eyes alien >.<

cant stand it know who you are . ( not insulting )
dont think u'r a top blogger so you can just write crap bout ppl..
who you think you are ? this is not the first time already :D
i'm just giving suggestion , donwan to listen ? tell me then i 'll shut up .
why keep it in your heart then letting it out ?
u should have told me earlier ... but why you didnt ?
afraid that i 'll gossip/scold/angry or wtv shit at you ?
nah..i dont think i wanna do that.. cos i dont have the time to.
girl , you are too perfect to be gossip la ..(trust me)
you always rock , and you didnt know..
and you'r darn lucky .. wanna know why?
figure it out urself ..because the answer is easy..
although you dislike me as your friend ,
but i'll still treat you like one of my frend coz you are one of them ! (:
so , just relax/chill .. you can write crap bout me in ur blog or wtv ...i dont care,
coz that's your blog not mine ..i cant control youu.
i hope you know what i mean ...
ciaoz .

i 'm not insulting or whatever shit (in case you guy THOUGH i was insulting)

just dont feel like blogging todayy after reading that (censored) post .

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