Monday, September 1, 2008

lols ?

well , todayy i spend the whole day reading twilight , no doubt IT'S AWESOME !! :P
the awesome blog *p00f* liao..thankx to (censored) .. so dont waste your time searching for it . l0lx.
yEah , cl0se friends DO fight !! ;)
the dayy before yesterdayy , i had a very hard time , because (censored) confess to me .. l0lx.
i were like --> O.O ''do i know you'' ? ..l0lx yeah a random dude confess to me ..i have no idea what to do , have to thankx sang haans kor kor !! ^^ no doubt , HE ROCKS ! (:
haaha....i haven finish the the homework that cik aini gave..SHIT LA !

fyi , i 'll puasa with the malays ..wonder why ??? coz i 'm TOOOOO F-A-T !!
i seriously have to lost some weight !!
and dont be surpise if tmr u saw my hair ..
coz i 'm tooo b0red lia0 .. so i straighten my hair .. :P
it's not permanet so dont worry if i l00k WEIRD !
l00k ! *point above* he's sooooooooooo HOOOOOOTTTTT !!!!!! tongueout cutie ! :P:P:p
well , t00dl3S..

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