Saturday, November 29, 2008

Free McD :/

well . as u cant see my title . YEA , free MCD ( but im sick of it already :S )

dah pakai my heels for the whole day and my legs seem to like it (:
yes , it 's comfortable :D :D

my dad's customer is the person-who-works-for-the-MCD-office thingy la.
so yea . dunno why , she suddenly wanna belanja us ( me and my sis ) mcD
i was kinda shocked . well .. she 've TONS of mcD coupon . 1 friggin whole BOOK ! as thick as k.h textbook :D :D

:/ greattt , i bet i gain 1kg .
mcd , fish n' chip , coke , frenchfries , sweets ( so far , i ate 100 sweets already O.O )
and my grandfather is coming back , he will bring back tons of sweets again .
gonna workout like mad . thankgod i have the fitness phone :D :D
i 'm OBESE !!!!!!!! lol.

lolx (except for chocolate la )

whos going to school on 1th dec to buy books ?
oh man , this thing is giving me headache -.-
drew 2 ugly little thing while stressing xDDD

Friday, November 28, 2008

sexayy heels :D

mom bought me a pair of smexy heels .
it's cool lor..gonna love it :D

yesterday was busy , couldnt reply most of jo's sms . ( mintamaaf5)

wohoo.. after 9 months .. finally my grandfather is coming back this sunday xD
he went to new zealand , aus and singapore for a vacation.

oh , and my mom is scolding me now .
gonna try on my new heels .
and jo , this time will try to reply ur sms (:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

my wonderful sweeettdream :) :)

lolx, once i off the computer .. i couldnt sleep .
i keep hearing footstep , door bang and alot of creepy stuff :D
then i keep calling myself to " not to think anything"

lolx. and guess what is my dream ??
i actually thought it's real... sigh .
i saw gaspard ulliel , *SCREAMSS*
he went in my salon and asked for a haircut .
then my dad told him that im his FAN , so he waved at me and talked to me
*shy shy*
Lols. keep camwhoring and he bought me some sweets :D
how he know that i like sweets ? xDDDDD

then suddenly i feel like pee-ing so i woke up .
i were like " O.O a different dimension ?? i only realize that's a dream -__- "
how i wish it's not a dream :'(

Nevermind la.
atleast i 've meet him in my dream , right ?
i 'm satifised de.

^_^ v peace.

words that KILLS me x)

♫Amanda♫vampAngel says:
you have two personalities and i like it just the way you are.

me screamm ! thankyou for saying that.
i just wish kaname said that .. then i'll go all --> (GILA )
seriously .

Monday, November 24, 2008

result day :/

happie birthday gaspard ulliel . swweettt 24 xD
he's sooo hot,smexy,cute..PERFECT ..

well , yesterday .
was dancing ( to forget bout the result thingy )
the door bell rang . * happily open the door for my parents*
saw my mom is holding some paper and she's staring into it .
i was like " omg , is that my result paper ? "
*quickly snatch it , and hide inside the toilet , crying *
guess what she say ?
" im sooo dissapointed on you , i thought u USED to have great mark for every subject 1 ? why drop like siaoz ? i thought ur b.m damn good 1 , during primary . im sooo dissapointed on u . this is the result for not studying "
then she ignored me and keep scolding me for things i didnt do .
lolx.. few minute later ,
joanna called me.
she's like darn nervous bout the result thing while i busy SAD-ing bout it.
Lol..we talked til midnight ,
til everyone's asleep .
so i have to whisper . HAHA
today ,
woke up and didnt see anyone .
( sadly , they really are mad at me bout my result )
joanna called me and cried .
lol. i comfort her and she feel much better (do you ? )
no mood for anything .

talking bout the friggin' result

guess what ? nicole , josiah and much much more got their result liao.

- иииicolэ (: says:

- иииicolэ (: says:
i just got my results

u see ? now i feel like saying DE "WORD"
omg !! if they know that i failed (censored) , i tentu mati 1
they will belasah me kao kao .
not like josiah 's mom .. guess what she said ?
" goodluck and study hard next time"
-_____________- a total anak manja
bloody helllllll .
my parent 's having the key of the MAILBOX.
so i cant open it without their permission.

- иииicolэ (: says:
ask from mom, say got old school fren de fren fren fren send mail to u l

- иииicolэ (: says:

oh well .. if i said that .
my mom will reply : oh..okay.."I TEMAN U LA..SINCE I ALSO WANNA SEE YR RESULT"

i feel darn friggin' retarded.
haha, u dont know my parents.
they'r violent ! worst than happy-tree-friends
if they find out that i failed (censored) , u 'll find tons of "purple-line" behind my back/legs/hand.
and they will banned me from going to ou , CF .sobsobsob

did u guys got ur result liao ?

and now it's friggin' atnight liao.
trust me , im crying & nervous-ing right now .

regiиe(((: says:
im so DEAD

c a r m ε n ﭢ (oh crap , RESULT) says:
im already DEAD

c a r m ε n ﭢ (oh crap , RESULT) says:
dah mati .

c a r m ε n ﭢ (oh crap , RESULT) says:
im inside my coffin

regiиe(((: says:

regiиe(((: says:
me to

regiиe(((: says:

why me ?
why am i so friggin bad luck ? -.-

Sunday, November 23, 2008


taggie by nicky cheong (=

1. Do you think you are hot ?
do you ? haha. ofcuz a "NO" la.

2. Upload a favourite picture of yourself .
me de retard xD

3. Why do u like the picture ?
er..because there's a HUGE word of "retard" there ?

4. When is the last time you ate pizza ?
last week , wit parents :D

5. The last song you listened to?

Decode - Paramore (still listening to it)

6. What are you doing right now besides this ?
dying cuz of year-end-result xP

7. What name you prefer besides your name ?
i perfer people calling me "CEE" as in the short-form-of-carmen .
carmen sounds like CAR-MEN -_-
anyways , my name is spanish . it's not english so dont call it CAR-MEN .
so yea , im just telling C(:

Tag 5 people :
1)amanda low ; dear dear
2) hanna ; my beauty-secret-buddy
3)joannaashleycheongchooiyan ; the awesome gazette fan
4)sang haans ; my awesome petbrother
5)nicole ; the awesome chick who tagged me

8. Who is number 1 ?
my dear dear

9. Who is number 3 having a relationship with ?
that 1 i not sure wor.. why dont you ask her YOURSELF ? (since u'r desprate to know) :D:D

10. Say Something about number 5 .
she's creative , having a wonderful bodyshape :D :D :D

11. Number 4 .
sang haas ; having spm . wears glasses ; just recently cut his hair b4 spm .
is that enough ? o.O

12. Who is number 2 ?
my beauty-secret-buddy.
she tells me heaven-lotx-of-beauty-secret ( cuz i sat beside her all-the-time)

tagged by reginelee

The rules are:
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player than tags
4.people and posts their names, than goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
3 years old ? hmm.. craving for cow's milk ? maybe :D

2. 5 things on my to-do list today.
:bubble bath :D
:buy a new pair of smexy heels
:learn french !
:buy new nail polish ; grey/blue
:check my letterbox for my result :D

3. 5 Snacks I enjoy.
: lollipop
: skittes
: sour+
: chocolate
: cupcakes

4. 5 Things I would do if I were a billionaire.

5. 5 of my bad habits.
: i used to bite nails :D
: im pemalas
: im hyper
: i dislike studying
: i spend like HELL

6. 5 place i have lived
: here
:metropolitan sq
:sea park apt

7. 5 jobs I've had
: a student
: a friend
: a junior hairstylist
: a sister
:a daughter

taggie taggie !
: amanda
:sang haans ( his name similar to "hanna's name" ) lol
:nicole cheong
:spammer ! ( do it , so i 'll know who r u ) ( if u'r that stupid la)

another tagg

taggie taggie by regine ( again ) lol.
me love tag

Rules :- Pick your birth month .
- Strike out anything that doesn't apply to you .
- Bold (or italicize) the best apply to you .
- Copy to your own blog , with all twelve months .
- Tag 10 peoples

JANUARY: Stubborn and hard-hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking and productive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal. Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. Very stubborn and money cautious.

FEBRUARY: Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizes dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.

MARCH: Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate. Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves travelling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented. Loves special things. Moody.

APRIL: Active and dynamic. Decisive and hasty but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving. Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.

MAY: Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves travelling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children. Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.

JUNE: Thinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills.Talk ative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Able to show character. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Brand conscious. Executive. Stubborn.

JULY: Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties instudy ing. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.

AUGUST: Loves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless. Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to console others. Too generous and egoistic. Takes high pride in oneself. Thirsty for praises. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry when provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and cautious. Thinks quickly. Independent thoughts. Loves to lead and to be led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends.

OCTOBER: Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to take things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children.

SEPTEMBER: Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and organized. Likes to point out people's mistakes. Likes to criticize. Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very confident. Sensitive. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Must control oneself when criticizing. Able to motivate oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves leisure and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Very choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic.

NOVEMBER: Has a lot of ideas. Difficult to fathom. Thinks forward. Unique and brilliant. Extraordinary ideas. Sharp thinking. Fine and strong clairvoyance. Can become good doctors. Dynamic in personality. Secretive. Inquisitive. Knows how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative but amiable. Brave and generous. Patient. Stubborn and hard-hearted. If there is a will, there is a way. Determined. Never give up. Hardly becomes angry unless provoked. Loves to be alone. Thinks differently from others. Sharp-minded. Motivates oneself. Does not appreciate praises. High-spirited. Well-built and tough. Deep love and emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest and keeps secrets. Not able to control emotions. Unpredictable.

DECEMBER: Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egotistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor.

DECEMBER: Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention.Loves to be loved.Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egotistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor.



grandmom's house :D + random pics

my pink/white manicured nails .. black 1 haven upload yet :D
me posing wit my PIG (sry , tak halal)
random 1 . with my sis disturbing -.-

HEHE ! my fav necklace :D

went to grandmom's house in wangsa maju :D
yesterday sleep at 3a.m.
so yea , today woke up at 7 , haha
was friggin' sleepy (my eyes couldnt open)

forced to open my eyes and tried to look like i have a really really good sleep :D
lOl. damn funny
once i reached there ,
i saw 5 big big big pack fill wit tons of clothes/jewerly/toy .
i was darn shocked O.O
and guess what ? most of the are singlet -.-
stripless 1 .
jewerly are cool lorh..nth much
toy are LOVE , got rabbit , pig , dog , cat .. wtv pun ada :P
lazy to type la .

Saturday, November 22, 2008

guess what ???

im chilllax-ing .

im chilllax-ing .

really dont get it what's sooo nice bout spamming ppl 's blog ? HAHA ! oh , i finally get it :D they wanna spam ppl 's blog cuz they'r a ANIMAL xD lolx. they'r more than a animal . worst than a animal . dont have the right to become animal . even animal is better than them . animal have brains , they dont have it :D

yes , im being too harsh :D
yea but so what ? cant give mercy to those worst-than-animal-spammers

so what if i spell it wrongly ? SO FRIGGIN' WHAT ?
nowadays , im soooo busy . :/
so yea , just wanna keep my blog updated .
didnt double-check on my spelling , NO ONE IS PERFECT .
u think you'r perfect ? well you'r not .. not even close.
if you hate me so much , why dont you just reveal yourself ?
atleast it's better than being called a "worst-than-animal-spammers" , right ?

feel like breaking down and cry like a retard , but i just cant .
Lol. all those high hopes .. just cant let them down :/
so yea , WILL STAY STRONG . well .. atleast i pretend to be strong , right ?
Dont worry , im really really good at pretending .. so yea , dont want to make my frenz feel bad :D

ohh , im really sick of all those things.
really really sick.
those people doesnt care bout ppl 's feeling , happily type out all those harsh words , words that can hurt someone deeply .
cant you think before you do something ?
dont you have a brain or whatever that can THINK ?
i dont give a friggin' damn whether who you are . but cant you just reveal yourself ?
well , that 's some words for you , specially for you . apperciate it :D

YOU suck , who do you think you are ?
wanna know who 'it' are ?
well , 'it' is a worst-than-animal-spammer , cuz the name 'bitch' sound so nice .. too nice for 'it' . 'it' should find a name than suits 'it' :P
well.. i found it :D :D
you know who you are .
god know who you are .
you will get ur balasan for spamming at my blog . i promise :P

seriously .. u have no idea what i can do .
dont friggin' underestimate me . dont judge me when u only know my name .
im not as nice as you think.
when im a bitch , im really are . watch out for that :D

wow ! didnt know that i type out heaven-lotx-of-words :D

Friday, November 21, 2008

boring day

sometimes i feel like giving up on whatever i planned to do .
because everytime i plan something , that 'thing' guratteed wont happen 1 :D
this friggin' thing happen to me tons of times already.
now , slowly .. i get used to it already .
slowly .. i started to accept the fact that i cant get anything i wish for .
so , i always call myself to [not to think bout stuff that i want it to happen]
so yea , sometimes .. i really hope that my brain will STOP for awhile (except when im sleeping la)

but now .. i got everything ( well most of them ) i want.
thankx to all my awesome frenz and haans , ofcuz (=

Lol..because when im with them . my brain totally blank :D
when my brain blank : extremely blur . blur : dono how to answer :D:D

now i'm starting to accepting my faith , well .. starting to 'control' it .
by thinking the crap can lead whatever good happen :D
so yea.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

spammer sial

1st of all , let me say something first , kayx ?


u should LOVE your name , u know ?

haha , padan muka to that [it] :D

anyways ... wait a minute .. i totally forgot what im suppose to type liao , due to TOOO ANGRY BOUT THE FRIGGIN' (unknown IT )
*maybe the spammer is a dog ? or rather bit*h ? or maybe a PIG ? hahahaa
wait.. or maybe it's half bi*ch half pig ? act like a bi*ch then eat like a pig (=

lolx..sorry for my rude-ness to IT , well ... IT deserve it (=

LOOK ? i went to e-jane 's blog ..
i saw PASSERBY (spamer) , man , they'r so lifeless weih.
i wonder who did that ?

oh anyways , back to topic .
i coloured my nails , curled my hair , cut my fringe and done everything i could (:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


well , today 's normal .
camwhore abit .
but sadly , my another phone which have the picture i took wif the goat pendant dono why but got prob :'(

anyways , found a few cosplay friends who wanna cosplay in CF08 :D

life's boring .
oh , btw .. went to cold storage .
saw 14oz m&m .. guess how much ?
it's friggin 3.90 :D
bought tons of packs . eat it like siaoz.
and then saw some delicious cheese :D
bought alot . so dont mind me if you saw me friggin fat :P

Sunday, November 16, 2008

it's been century since i blog's beng century since i proper blog (=

haha , being very busy these few days .

darn , i cant find the manga's english name -.-
the manga is related to violin , cello and stuff (=

my first choice id violin , second is cello .
JO said whoever plays cello is a noob :D
cee is a noob :P

last sat , amanda and jo come over my place to have a swim .
amanda arrived first , we went to rainbow mart to grab some snack :D
waited for jo to arrive ..
teman-ed amanda to buy her rojak and abc
guess what ? jo forgot or rather dontwant to bring her swimsuit
i lent her mine . the blue 1 . SEXAY BACK !
too bad , she didnt want to show us -_-
went to have a swim , amanda told me her problem .. it's kinda sad/touching actually. helped her slove abit lorh :D
jo refuse to swim -.-
lol.then camwhore lorh. coz im in my camwhore mood mah (-:
so yea . camwhore like mad
so yea . wait til she upload all the picture , k ?

im in love with this song --> Reflectia - True Tears
lol.keep repeating it like siaoz.

camwhored tons of picture with my smexy goat necklace (thankx)
will upload it , if my phone Xproblem (:

Friday, November 14, 2008


lol..damn tired la today.
work-ed til 12 o'clock .
tired sial .
from 11p.m. to 12a.m
anyways , will update a proper 1 tmr.
oh and er. amanda is coming to my place tmr ! (:
jo,reply my sms la -.-

Thursday, November 13, 2008


lol...damn busy (:

guess what ? my friends are begging me to go to school ..
and and and .. im going to school Half day only .

sry for the un-proper update .
anyways , watcha think bout ' cee-eXchange' ?


cee is stand for carmen , ofcoz
eXchange is just a nice word who pop up in my head.
so yea

cee-eXchange :D

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

rawr !
an update (:
sry la .. kinda busy these few days .

blardy phone ! camwhored tons of picture pun tak boleh upload xD

Sunday, November 9, 2008

worst day ever

well , this is the first i'm late for school , have to stand there like a freak (:
but yea , cant blame cik din ( my driver) . his van/bus rosak :'(
well , school life 's boring :D

got back my chinese result , not as bad as i expected .
i thought i was going to fail , but yea .. ended with 53-ish
have to thanks the goat in my necklace lorh. it brings me goodluck (:
[thankyou haans korkor for the necklace , btw the goat inside the pendant is hot xD ]
was kinda happy actually (:
but yea , happie moment ended very soon

staring/stoning/emoing there. seeing all the form5-ers just walk away like that and leave our school makes me feel bad . feel like crying xD
but ofcoz , i didnt . wanna save my tears for b.m (:
after a few moments ...
zong jing gave back our b.m paper.
didnt dare to see it , asked amanda to help me tengok .
guess what ? i friggin FAIL !
and yea , i cried like siaox. non stop
wanna know how hard i cried ? ask amanda la . i pity her uniform la (:
well , puan aini saw my tears , then she pity me lorh
she tried to re-read all my karangan.
so now , i passed .. but i passed with mercy .
i dont want to pass my bm with mercy , i wanna pass it with my hard-work.
cant change the fact , Lolx.
will work hard next time . i shouldnt suppouse to fail bm.
that subject means alot to me ,
if bm never exist , i dont think tat i 'll get any trophy during my primary school time .
everyone were like giving me soooo high hopes , but i dissapointed them .
actually , i feel like suicide .. (that time )
but yea use crying ! it's not gonna change the fact .
im gonna stay strong or maybe atleast pretend to be strong :D
because i dontwant to dissapoint my friend/family/haans kor anymore .
was walking out .. then joanna were like OMG ! cik din !
lol.we walked to ikano to meet up with her parents , so she can fetch me back.
guess what ? her mom belanja me bubble tea :D :D :D
terima kasih banyak2

yes , i know ..i m still immature for crying..but who cares ??
:D cheh !


happiieee xD

well , as you can see , im in my very happie mood (:

mom bought vampire knight manga , ouran high school host club dvd .. and stuff stuff.
but yea . got disadvantage 1 la , ofcoz.
well , the violin thingy will delay til december .. but i dont mind ..
changed email -

yes , the pervious 1 sound like some lala chick :P
so yea , i think littlerawr suits me , coz i always RAWR .
roflmao. dont mind me

so yea , DO ADD ME (:

oh , and gonna change my link too .
coz im sicked of it (:

options 1 - tears of a girl . bs

options 2 - tears of eternity . bs

or maybe

options 3 - eternity tears . bs

which 1 sounds better to you ?

do mind dropping by at my cbox to tell me (:

tomorrow have to carry tons of books to school . lols.
and friday is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL . sob sob.
anyways , i mind cutting my hair shorter , because it's very yuuki-like (:
seriously , DONT MIND ME (:

Saturday, November 8, 2008

the 4 chick .

the 4chick .
diff attutiude .
diff hobby .
diff charcater .
diff everything , and they'r still best buddies (:

ilovethem xD
sry weisim . that's the only pic that i have .sry

1st day of freedom (:

nothing much happen today , but i 've the mood to blog , so yea .
wooolaaa xD

i'm a monkey with lion's head (:
i'm a short giraffe (:
i'm a thin hippo (:
i'm hamster who fly (:
i'm a cat who bark (:
i'm a dog who meow (:
i'm a fish with dog's tails (:

i'm a very tall rat (:
i'm thin pig (:
i'm a wolf without eyes (:
i'm human with a pig 's face (:

roflmao . dont mind me xD

joanna saw a 200,000 buck violin (:
c(: rawr !!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

2:13a.m (: haha

dont mind me , seriously , if you do , you mind be dead by now (:

freedommm !! wohoooo.
but too bad , my result suck weih :'(
cried to weisim , after that i feel better .
lolx. SMILEEE (:
went to the curve with amanda and joanna. ( last minute planned)
and i only brought rm6 ..pfthh lol
we 'r like so darn hyper while crossing the road.
we RUN and JUMP and SCREAM
so yea , teman-ed joanna and amanda to buy starbuck ( no mood for starbuck la)
then went to big apple . only buy 1 donut = kiwi :D :D
ahaha , then we rushed back to catch up cik din.
but FAILED , he went without us :'(
joanna planned to call teksi , dangerous weih
in the end , we walked back :D
and WE SURVIVE althought this is not the first time :B
i hate my blogskin , so yea .. being searching for the suit-able 1 for 4 hours
and it's 2:13a.m now.
carmen , you really should sleep now :P

oh , did i mention that joanna 's guitar skills has improve , she played throught the phone (:

violins are LOVE (:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

happiest day of my life . history (:

guess what ?
finally downloaded the OST of vampire knight .. ALL the OST xD

dreams cometrue (: (:

and and and .. drew afew picture of v.k 's symbols .. i like it (:
well , what can you expect from a little f1 girl ?
ilove me

dont mind me being so hyper .
oh. btw , this saturday .. going out to find for v.k 's poster , YES , i'm desprate
wohohohohohohohohooooo (:

seriously , DONT MIND ME (:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

ahhh ! my dreams cometrue :D :D :D

ahhhhhhh !!
omg .. the hottest kaname kuran cosplayer :D :D
omg omg omg ! ! ! ! hotttttt !
he's perfect , well .. atleast enuf perfect to be kaname (:
how can you dont like him ?
*mommy , i want to go japan to find this guy *!!! :D :D
he make me smile / stress less this whole week :D
C(: so friggin sexayyy/hot/cute ..PERFECT !

she loves believing in sweetdreams, because only on that moments her tears wont flow down like some retard , althought it's just some false dreams , but cant she just have her own happy moment ?

yea .. *that picture above* is a false dreams or watever you call it .
but i dont care ! he's hottt :D :D
you agree , right ? right ? aiyoo , dont lie to urself la :P

-_- told ya' , there's some guy whos perfect to cosplay as kaname 1 xD

exam exam exam :D

i almost late for the bus :/
if 1 second late , have to jalan to school .. but thank god ..phew xD

start my day with math paper 2 .
was kinda hard actually . mati weih .
after recess was chinese.
i totally crap everything , was focus on talking to joanna , hanna , amanda -_-
watt-te-heaveeen -.-
i tembak all .. so i can talk with them .
Yes , i know .. i'm a dummbbiee :P

continue my stressed day with math paper 1 .
was easy or rather so-so lorh.
was contenging my paper . the suddenly cik aini came.
cik aini : carmennn , pencil deman ? ( i was blur , didnt know what's she saying)
carmen : err.. *check my pencilbox* yea..i am always very blur :P

after that , PUAN aini said something tat kills me .
" half of the class failed b.m , the highest mark for b.m is 22 , the lowest is 10"
then straight away my tears flowing down .
YES , i am very dramatic or watever you want to say .

Monday, November 3, 2008

roflmao / endless pain , slowly faded away

today was fine (:

kinda shocked when teacher read out my name during perhimpunan.
and guess wat she read out ?
Ch-eng car-men , tingkatan 2 -.-

error : it's cheang carmen , tingkatan 1 .

roflmao :D

well .. after that it's chinese exam .
was kinda hard actually. :/

after chinese was moral.
was so-so lorh.

dont mind me *below* i was sudden emo for like erm.....1 hour only..then hyper back liao :D
ohh and the guest was RIGHT .
i 'm not any cowards who hides the truth .
i admit i do have period stain on my pinafore , so what ?
it doesnt kills , right ?
i 've told hanna , amanda , nicole , joanna , regine bout it.. i trusted them.i believe they wont betray me..( and i told you[reader of my blog] -.- ) so yea :D
and the guest must be pretty close to me though :/
just wish it wasnt one of my shoulder-to-cry-on friend :P

what's the friggin guest's problem ?
why must IT always bother stuff bout me ?
it's not fun spamming people's blog.
try to imagine you were me , how do you feel ?
but thank god , i'm not hurt or whatever because of what IT said . ( muka tebal) :D
i do admit nobody's perfect , even me .
what did i do to deserve such a thing ?
oh well , maybe i did something wrong to IT ...but NO ONE ' S PERFECT .
seriously ,
IT do have pretty much time to spam my blog when it's exam week .
i believe that everyone has a name , do they ?
was it that nice to be 'GUEST' and spam my blog ?
i dont mind if 's really GUESt , but this 1 ..haih..more of a insulting GUEST.
why dont you just show your true colour ?
if you hate me so much , just let me know.
you cant stay as 'GUEST' forever , or maybe can you ?
you know what ? sometimes i just cant stand all these insulting .
but ofcoz , i'll control my temper :)

sometimes , i even wish than i doesnt exist ..
or rather 'haven born yet'
i wish than i'm not studying in smkbu4 now , but there's tooo many happy memories there :D
actually i wanted to go to some chinese-private-school .
but i choosed here ( smkbu4 ) , why ?
because i thought it was better .

your word ( GUEST 's WORD ) is always flooding in my head during these few days.
i really hope that i dont mind some one keep spamming my blog and keep insulting me.
but ... it really does hurts . i do have a heart , dont you have 1 ?
been crying alot these few days , ( YEs , i know im still im-mature )
all those stress , insulting , mis-understanding , problems been flooding in my head .
i really hope that i can slowly faded away without anyone notice-ing .

slowly faded away like what rose petals always do .
slowly one by one . then disappear .
PLs bring me along , next time when you planned to fade away .
everything will be extremely fine without me ,
because i always dissapointed people . im really sorry .
i've done tons of mistake that cant be forgive .
it's not easy being me .
act happy , act hyper , keep a BIG FAKE smile on my face , all those stress.
i just cant take it anymore . i wanna take a break from everything.
a forever break . but i just cant .
i cant just leave everything behind , all those high-hopes they want from me .
i gotta do better than what they wish me to do for , well .. atleast for this time .
i just cant dissapoint people anymore .
those sad faces , CHEER UP , WILL YA ? :D

i just realize that i wrote too much .. but nevermind la..since no one 's gonna read my blog .
so yea...
write out my feeling make me feel better .

and thank to the guest , really thank alot.
IT make me brave to write out what's my feeling is.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

tontured stomach problem xD

guess what ?

yesterdayyy , was talking to joanna on the phone while playing play-doh -.- yes , i am lame xP

then feel hungry .. so went to grab some food to eat , ( NO , i didnt wash my hand after playing it )
just terus stuffed everything in my mouth :D
so yeah , few hours later.. my stomach start to aching -_-

and yeah , cant sleep properly , cant watch superNatural properly :'( , cant do whatever normal human does la . [ i feel damn sick ]

on the next dayyy , dont feel like coming to school 1 .. but too bad , it's exam :'(
have to tahan the kesakitan :'(
during science exam , my friggin stomach started to act retard again..and this time my stomach brought gastrik along (:
so yeaah , gastrik + poison(play-doh) = tons of pain , seriously..can die already.

and and and .. my bus driver took 1hour ++ to come .
no food + gastrik + poison = tontured -.-

so yea .. i am here dying :D

ohh .. so now you are reading a soul's diary (:

BOOO ! * you fainted*

Saturday, November 1, 2008


i just cant believe u told [insertname1]

c a r m ε и и и :/ says:
about what ?

after all the help i gaveu

dont bother crying to me anymore.


i was just helping/trying to get you out of problem..but if .. u say i was wrong..then nvm la.
since my help was X apperciate.

i dont want people to hate you.. so yeah .. i tell the truth..but now .. the reward you gave me is just a piece of blame ..
i just donwan ppl to mis-understand you ...but ..since...urgh..nvm.
but i just cant stand that people mis-understand you because of me-not-telling-the-truth.

so i time..i shouldnt tell the truth and dont save you away from problem , right ?
i 'll just shut my #&^& mouth up and act like nth is happening (:

well .. so now..let me guess.. im a friggin bitch (:

[insertname] :
ya and u SHOULD! shhut ur mouth up and tht stupid [insertname1] uurrghghhh

[insertname] :
u should'nt have even said a word! dammit!! i should have listen to [insertname2] bitch who needs to shut my #### mouth up , right ?

and yea... u should have listen to [insertname2] .
so i 'll become more problem-free , no more pity-ness inside of me , no more helping other ppl .

so now..i 'll try to become some one who dont have keperimanusiaan (dono how to spell) me a bitch .

PEACE and blame-less will never happen in my life .