Sunday, November 23, 2008

grandmom's house :D + random pics

my pink/white manicured nails .. black 1 haven upload yet :D
me posing wit my PIG (sry , tak halal)
random 1 . with my sis disturbing -.-

HEHE ! my fav necklace :D

went to grandmom's house in wangsa maju :D
yesterday sleep at 3a.m.
so yea , today woke up at 7 , haha
was friggin' sleepy (my eyes couldnt open)

forced to open my eyes and tried to look like i have a really really good sleep :D
lOl. damn funny
once i reached there ,
i saw 5 big big big pack fill wit tons of clothes/jewerly/toy .
i was darn shocked O.O
and guess what ? most of the are singlet -.-
stripless 1 .
jewerly are cool lorh..nth much
toy are LOVE , got rabbit , pig , dog , cat .. wtv pun ada :P
lazy to type la .

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