Monday, November 3, 2008

roflmao / endless pain , slowly faded away

today was fine (:

kinda shocked when teacher read out my name during perhimpunan.
and guess wat she read out ?
Ch-eng car-men , tingkatan 2 -.-

error : it's cheang carmen , tingkatan 1 .

roflmao :D

well .. after that it's chinese exam .
was kinda hard actually. :/

after chinese was moral.
was so-so lorh.

dont mind me *below* i was sudden emo for like erm.....1 hour only..then hyper back liao :D
ohh and the guest was RIGHT .
i 'm not any cowards who hides the truth .
i admit i do have period stain on my pinafore , so what ?
it doesnt kills , right ?
i 've told hanna , amanda , nicole , joanna , regine bout it.. i trusted them.i believe they wont betray me..( and i told you[reader of my blog] -.- ) so yea :D
and the guest must be pretty close to me though :/
just wish it wasnt one of my shoulder-to-cry-on friend :P

what's the friggin guest's problem ?
why must IT always bother stuff bout me ?
it's not fun spamming people's blog.
try to imagine you were me , how do you feel ?
but thank god , i'm not hurt or whatever because of what IT said . ( muka tebal) :D
i do admit nobody's perfect , even me .
what did i do to deserve such a thing ?
oh well , maybe i did something wrong to IT ...but NO ONE ' S PERFECT .
seriously ,
IT do have pretty much time to spam my blog when it's exam week .
i believe that everyone has a name , do they ?
was it that nice to be 'GUEST' and spam my blog ?
i dont mind if 's really GUESt , but this 1 ..haih..more of a insulting GUEST.
why dont you just show your true colour ?
if you hate me so much , just let me know.
you cant stay as 'GUEST' forever , or maybe can you ?
you know what ? sometimes i just cant stand all these insulting .
but ofcoz , i'll control my temper :)

sometimes , i even wish than i doesnt exist ..
or rather 'haven born yet'
i wish than i'm not studying in smkbu4 now , but there's tooo many happy memories there :D
actually i wanted to go to some chinese-private-school .
but i choosed here ( smkbu4 ) , why ?
because i thought it was better .

your word ( GUEST 's WORD ) is always flooding in my head during these few days.
i really hope that i dont mind some one keep spamming my blog and keep insulting me.
but ... it really does hurts . i do have a heart , dont you have 1 ?
been crying alot these few days , ( YEs , i know im still im-mature )
all those stress , insulting , mis-understanding , problems been flooding in my head .
i really hope that i can slowly faded away without anyone notice-ing .

slowly faded away like what rose petals always do .
slowly one by one . then disappear .
PLs bring me along , next time when you planned to fade away .
everything will be extremely fine without me ,
because i always dissapointed people . im really sorry .
i've done tons of mistake that cant be forgive .
it's not easy being me .
act happy , act hyper , keep a BIG FAKE smile on my face , all those stress.
i just cant take it anymore . i wanna take a break from everything.
a forever break . but i just cant .
i cant just leave everything behind , all those high-hopes they want from me .
i gotta do better than what they wish me to do for , well .. atleast for this time .
i just cant dissapoint people anymore .
those sad faces , CHEER UP , WILL YA ? :D

i just realize that i wrote too much .. but nevermind la..since no one 's gonna read my blog .
so yea...
write out my feeling make me feel better .

and thank to the guest , really thank alot.
IT make me brave to write out what's my feeling is.

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