Sunday, November 9, 2008

worst day ever

well , this is the first i'm late for school , have to stand there like a freak (:
but yea , cant blame cik din ( my driver) . his van/bus rosak :'(
well , school life 's boring :D

got back my chinese result , not as bad as i expected .
i thought i was going to fail , but yea .. ended with 53-ish
have to thanks the goat in my necklace lorh. it brings me goodluck (:
[thankyou haans korkor for the necklace , btw the goat inside the pendant is hot xD ]
was kinda happy actually (:
but yea , happie moment ended very soon

staring/stoning/emoing there. seeing all the form5-ers just walk away like that and leave our school makes me feel bad . feel like crying xD
but ofcoz , i didnt . wanna save my tears for b.m (:
after a few moments ...
zong jing gave back our b.m paper.
didnt dare to see it , asked amanda to help me tengok .
guess what ? i friggin FAIL !
and yea , i cried like siaox. non stop
wanna know how hard i cried ? ask amanda la . i pity her uniform la (:
well , puan aini saw my tears , then she pity me lorh
she tried to re-read all my karangan.
so now , i passed .. but i passed with mercy .
i dont want to pass my bm with mercy , i wanna pass it with my hard-work.
cant change the fact , Lolx.
will work hard next time . i shouldnt suppouse to fail bm.
that subject means alot to me ,
if bm never exist , i dont think tat i 'll get any trophy during my primary school time .
everyone were like giving me soooo high hopes , but i dissapointed them .
actually , i feel like suicide .. (that time )
but yea use crying ! it's not gonna change the fact .
im gonna stay strong or maybe atleast pretend to be strong :D
because i dontwant to dissapoint my friend/family/haans kor anymore .
was walking out .. then joanna were like OMG ! cik din !
lol.we walked to ikano to meet up with her parents , so she can fetch me back.
guess what ? her mom belanja me bubble tea :D :D :D
terima kasih banyak2

yes , i know ..i m still immature for crying..but who cares ??
:D cheh !

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