Saturday, November 22, 2008

guess what ???

im chilllax-ing .

im chilllax-ing .

really dont get it what's sooo nice bout spamming ppl 's blog ? HAHA ! oh , i finally get it :D they wanna spam ppl 's blog cuz they'r a ANIMAL xD lolx. they'r more than a animal . worst than a animal . dont have the right to become animal . even animal is better than them . animal have brains , they dont have it :D

yes , im being too harsh :D
yea but so what ? cant give mercy to those worst-than-animal-spammers

so what if i spell it wrongly ? SO FRIGGIN' WHAT ?
nowadays , im soooo busy . :/
so yea , just wanna keep my blog updated .
didnt double-check on my spelling , NO ONE IS PERFECT .
u think you'r perfect ? well you'r not .. not even close.
if you hate me so much , why dont you just reveal yourself ?
atleast it's better than being called a "worst-than-animal-spammers" , right ?

feel like breaking down and cry like a retard , but i just cant .
Lol. all those high hopes .. just cant let them down :/
so yea , WILL STAY STRONG . well .. atleast i pretend to be strong , right ?
Dont worry , im really really good at pretending .. so yea , dont want to make my frenz feel bad :D

ohh , im really sick of all those things.
really really sick.
those people doesnt care bout ppl 's feeling , happily type out all those harsh words , words that can hurt someone deeply .
cant you think before you do something ?
dont you have a brain or whatever that can THINK ?
i dont give a friggin' damn whether who you are . but cant you just reveal yourself ?
well , that 's some words for you , specially for you . apperciate it :D

YOU suck , who do you think you are ?
wanna know who 'it' are ?
well , 'it' is a worst-than-animal-spammer , cuz the name 'bitch' sound so nice .. too nice for 'it' . 'it' should find a name than suits 'it' :P
well.. i found it :D :D
you know who you are .
god know who you are .
you will get ur balasan for spamming at my blog . i promise :P

seriously .. u have no idea what i can do .
dont friggin' underestimate me . dont judge me when u only know my name .
im not as nice as you think.
when im a bitch , im really are . watch out for that :D

wow ! didnt know that i type out heaven-lotx-of-words :D

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