Monday, November 24, 2008

talking bout the friggin' result

guess what ? nicole , josiah and much much more got their result liao.

- иииicolэ (: says:

- иииicolэ (: says:
i just got my results

u see ? now i feel like saying DE "WORD"
omg !! if they know that i failed (censored) , i tentu mati 1
they will belasah me kao kao .
not like josiah 's mom .. guess what she said ?
" goodluck and study hard next time"
-_____________- a total anak manja
bloody helllllll .
my parent 's having the key of the MAILBOX.
so i cant open it without their permission.

- иииicolэ (: says:
ask from mom, say got old school fren de fren fren fren send mail to u l

- иииicolэ (: says:

oh well .. if i said that .
my mom will reply : oh..okay.."I TEMAN U LA..SINCE I ALSO WANNA SEE YR RESULT"

i feel darn friggin' retarded.
haha, u dont know my parents.
they'r violent ! worst than happy-tree-friends
if they find out that i failed (censored) , u 'll find tons of "purple-line" behind my back/legs/hand.
and they will banned me from going to ou , CF .sobsobsob

did u guys got ur result liao ?

and now it's friggin' atnight liao.
trust me , im crying & nervous-ing right now .

regiиe(((: says:
im so DEAD

c a r m ε n ﭢ (oh crap , RESULT) says:
im already DEAD

c a r m ε n ﭢ (oh crap , RESULT) says:
dah mati .

c a r m ε n ﭢ (oh crap , RESULT) says:
im inside my coffin

regiиe(((: says:

regiиe(((: says:
me to

regiиe(((: says:

why me ?
why am i so friggin bad luck ? -.-

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