Wednesday, November 5, 2008

exam exam exam :D

i almost late for the bus :/
if 1 second late , have to jalan to school .. but thank god ..phew xD

start my day with math paper 2 .
was kinda hard actually . mati weih .
after recess was chinese.
i totally crap everything , was focus on talking to joanna , hanna , amanda -_-
watt-te-heaveeen -.-
i tembak all .. so i can talk with them .
Yes , i know .. i'm a dummbbiee :P

continue my stressed day with math paper 1 .
was easy or rather so-so lorh.
was contenging my paper . the suddenly cik aini came.
cik aini : carmennn , pencil deman ? ( i was blur , didnt know what's she saying)
carmen : err.. *check my pencilbox* yea..i am always very blur :P

after that , PUAN aini said something tat kills me .
" half of the class failed b.m , the highest mark for b.m is 22 , the lowest is 10"
then straight away my tears flowing down .
YES , i am very dramatic or watever you want to say .

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