Sunday, November 2, 2008

tontured stomach problem xD

guess what ?

yesterdayyy , was talking to joanna on the phone while playing play-doh -.- yes , i am lame xP

then feel hungry .. so went to grab some food to eat , ( NO , i didnt wash my hand after playing it )
just terus stuffed everything in my mouth :D
so yeah , few hours later.. my stomach start to aching -_-

and yeah , cant sleep properly , cant watch superNatural properly :'( , cant do whatever normal human does la . [ i feel damn sick ]

on the next dayyy , dont feel like coming to school 1 .. but too bad , it's exam :'(
have to tahan the kesakitan :'(
during science exam , my friggin stomach started to act retard again..and this time my stomach brought gastrik along (:
so yeaah , gastrik + poison(play-doh) = tons of pain , seriously..can die already.

and and and .. my bus driver took 1hour ++ to come .
no food + gastrik + poison = tontured -.-

so yea .. i am here dying :D

ohh .. so now you are reading a soul's diary (:

BOOO ! * you fainted*

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