Sunday, November 16, 2008

it's been century since i blog's beng century since i proper blog (=

haha , being very busy these few days .

darn , i cant find the manga's english name -.-
the manga is related to violin , cello and stuff (=

my first choice id violin , second is cello .
JO said whoever plays cello is a noob :D
cee is a noob :P

last sat , amanda and jo come over my place to have a swim .
amanda arrived first , we went to rainbow mart to grab some snack :D
waited for jo to arrive ..
teman-ed amanda to buy her rojak and abc
guess what ? jo forgot or rather dontwant to bring her swimsuit
i lent her mine . the blue 1 . SEXAY BACK !
too bad , she didnt want to show us -_-
went to have a swim , amanda told me her problem .. it's kinda sad/touching actually. helped her slove abit lorh :D
jo refuse to swim -.-
lol.then camwhore lorh. coz im in my camwhore mood mah (-:
so yea . camwhore like mad
so yea . wait til she upload all the picture , k ?

im in love with this song --> Reflectia - True Tears
lol.keep repeating it like siaoz.

camwhored tons of picture with my smexy goat necklace (thankx)
will upload it , if my phone Xproblem (:

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