Thursday, November 20, 2008

spammer sial

1st of all , let me say something first , kayx ?


u should LOVE your name , u know ?

haha , padan muka to that [it] :D

anyways ... wait a minute .. i totally forgot what im suppose to type liao , due to TOOO ANGRY BOUT THE FRIGGIN' (unknown IT )
*maybe the spammer is a dog ? or rather bit*h ? or maybe a PIG ? hahahaa
wait.. or maybe it's half bi*ch half pig ? act like a bi*ch then eat like a pig (=

lolx..sorry for my rude-ness to IT , well ... IT deserve it (=

LOOK ? i went to e-jane 's blog ..
i saw PASSERBY (spamer) , man , they'r so lifeless weih.
i wonder who did that ?

oh anyways , back to topic .
i coloured my nails , curled my hair , cut my fringe and done everything i could (:

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